There are many benefits of internet marketing and they can be used by businesses for a number of different things. Internet marketing can also be used in relation to product development (improving an existing product or developing new kinds of products), and there are many benefits that follow up with this. For instance, internet marketing gives an organisation many different sources that they can use in their process of product development. This will then make things easier for them as they are already supplied with necessary sources, which saves time for the organisation. Different sources will be extremely valuable and will allow the organisation to make good use of them so the product they are making developments to or the new product they are developing will be very successful in the market. Internet marketing allows an organisation to do their own research about anything thats going on in the market, and they can find a lot about customers and what sort of products are mostly famous at this point of time, so while they are doing their product development they can use all the information they have found out and apply it in ways that will be beneficial for them. Viral marketing is when a marketing message is sent by email to existing customers or to a target group, which is then forwarded by them to their friends, This cycle keeps going on and on and more people are being informed each time unknowingly promoting the business. This is a benefit to product development because when organisations are making certain developments to an existing product or when they are developing a fresh new idea to form a brand new product, they can use viral marketing to inform all their customers about their new product thats coming into the market. Customers will be informed about the launch of the product and since they were sent an email, they can always forward it to other people in their contacts and inform them to. The organisation will be getting free promotion this way and more people will be informed about the new product. This is a major benefit in relation to product development. ASOS use this type of method as they also send emails to their customers informing them about anything new thats happening to their business or about new products that are now available for customers to buy. This way ASOS use internet marketing in relation to product development. Another benefit of internet marketing in relation to product development is giving feedback. The way this is beneficial is that customers have the right to give a business their personal feedback to them about their products or their services they are providing. By giving feedback customers are telling businesses what they think is good about their products and what can be improved. Businesses can then take action and try to use the ideas their customers are giving them in developing their products. ASOS use this technique too as they allow their customers to give their own feedback to them, telling them what they thought about their service and most importantly their products. ASOS can then use this feedback and make certain developments to their products which will attract more customers, increasing sales. Another benefit of internet marketing that can be used for product development by businesses/organisations is very similar to the previous one about giving feedback. However this one differs a bit because it involves social websites that customers can go on to and make conversations about products they found interesting and what they believe should be changed about them, in order to make them better. This is helpful for businesses who want to make any product development as they can ask existing customers personally about their opinion through social websites that allow communication possible between them. ASOS are also very good at using this sort of method and as they allow their customers to join them on Facebook, Bebo and Twitter where they can openly give their opinion and make conversations. This can then be used by ASOS when they are making product developments, because they can easily ask their customers what changes they think they should make in order to attract more people in buying their products.