An organisation has many benefits because of internet marketing. For instance internet marketing allows a business to reach all their customers anytime that to very quickly without any hurdles in their way. This can also be done very cheaply compared to other means. ASOS can directly interact with their customers by using the internet, through emails and by talking to them through social websites, such as Facbook and Bebo. All this is very easy for ASOS to do and it doest even cost them a lot and they reach all their customers without thinking twice about it. Once they have reached their customers they can simply find out about their needs and wants, which gives them an opportunity to learn about their customers. This is another benefit for businesses as well as ASOS because once they find out what their customers want and desire, they can provide them with it all. Another benefit of internet marketing is that it allows businesses to gain feedback from their customers very quickly, so they can use it to find out what can be improved how, and what is good about their business. ASOS allow their customers to give them valuable feedback as well, which is good fro them because their customers are able to tell them how they think they should improve their business to gain more customers. Internet marketing also allows a business to make new customers all the time and the reason for this is that more and more people are using the internet making it a world wide thing, so businesses have more benefits because they can send emails to their current customers who can then forward it to their friends and family making more people aware of their business. ASOS send out emails to their customers all the time keeping them up to date and informing them about any new products they have in stock, or simply just emailing them to give them news about the latest happening with their business. Then their customers who they have emailed can forward the email to their friends and family to inform them and the cycle keeps on going on and on. Another benefit of internet marketing is that its very quick to set up. This means businesses can put up adverts about their products very quickly informing all their customers about anything new happening. ASOS have adverts on other websites as well as on their own. This must be very time saving because professionals are hired to do this sort of job, which implies it must not take them no longer than 3-4 hours to put up an advert alerting all their customers. Another benefit of internet marketing to an organisation is that it gives them a wide range of things to choose from to do to their home page to attract more customers. For example it allows them to put up videos, make the page look interesting and it also allows them to add links which gives the customer more information about certain things they may be interested in. At ASOS they have videos of models cat walking clothes, which customers can pause, play, stop and zoom in and out from. This is a good thing, since customers can not try the product on as they are shopping online, but it gives them an idea about how the product will look on them and it also gives them a closer look of the product. Internet marketing allows 24 hours access, which means anyone can visit the website at anytime and can still make an purchase. This means there's no time limit on anything so any adverts that promote ones business are still doing their job all the time. This is an advantage for an organisation because customers can visit their website at anytime or the day and make an order, and there's nothing to stop them because there isn't a closing time like there is for shops. Internet marketing gives long lasting results which is another benefit for an organisation. This means unlike printing advertisements where you have to pay for every advert you want to put up, internet marketing offers long lasting results because the adverts an organisation puts up will always remain there unless they are removed by the organisation themselves, otherwise no one can tamper with anything.
Internet marketing offers businesses an inexpensive yet effective method of reaching out to all their customers, who then can interact with them making new customers and by doing this they can understand the needs, wants and most importantly the buying habits of their customers.